Look for Isabella if you come for a visit. She'll be the one on the sidewalk wrapping herself around your ankles and insisting that you take a moment to pet her.
Do it. She's a sucker for attention.
Isabella, seen here yawning after a catnap in the sun on the front sidewalk, is the neighborhood greeter.
Isabella lives across the street, catty-corner -- if you'll pardon the word -- from my house. If it's a nice day, meaning no heavy rain or snow, she'll be there at some point to greet you as you come and go. She's not asking for a handout. Miss Congeniality just wants to be acknowledged. And to offer a little love in return.
Isabella also keeps us safe -- by her standards. I've seen her in a snarling, twilight standoff with a possum in my front yard. (It was a draw.) I've seen her deftly chase off bigger tomcats who are encroaching on her territory. (Okay, it's 2012 and they were probably neutered before they were adopted from the SPCA and microchipped so they can be tracked by orbiting satellites, but still ...) I've seen her do that cat stare-down thing with large dogs, who then hang their tails and walk away with as much pride as they can muster. And I've seen her methodically stalking the odd chipmunk or a random leaf.
But when her neighborhood duties are complete, she follows the sun and looks for love.
Isabella is clearly well-cared for and loved at home. But she's equally at home outdoors.
This 10-pound, sleek and glossy black cat is also street savvy. She stays out of the way of cars and looks both ways before she crosses.
And she'll take a quick minute for a belly rub if you have the time.
Isabella has more than enough love to give, and the neighborhood is the better for it. You might say she belongs to all of us.
She'd say we belong to her.
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