My first attempt this year at decorating for Christmas was too understated by far.
Maybe I should have filled that cut-glass bowl with red and green ornaments.
A friend of mine saw what I had done and said, "That's way too designer New York." Whatever he meant by that -- and I think I get it -- he's right: Not enough Christmas oomph.
So I'll move the bowl of blue ornaments to the dining room table this weekend and bring out the small Christmas tree that my parents used to have when we children had grown up and left home. It says "Christmas" much more emphatically. Plus there's the nostalgia factor.
So It's out with the new, and in with the old.
The tiny tree I'll be bringing out tomorrow is artificial, which doesn't earn me any points for sophistication.
But the nostalgia factor is important.
Especially at Christmas.
Call me designer New York, but I like it! Add a small red bow to one side and it will be stunnng. I know the little plastic tree of which you speak, and I love it. Of course I'm also the guy with the light-up plastic Santa Face -- so call me personality split I guess.