Monday, April 6, 2015

What color is your new car?

I forged ahead from 1999 to 2015 last week.

For the first time in 16 years, I bought a new car. Brand new. It had a total of 32 miles on it, most of that from other car shoppers who had taken it for a test drive.

“Don’t you just love it?” the salesman asked me.

“No.” was my response, and he looked crestfallen. “I like it, but I don’t love it. I love my cat. I love my family. I like the car.”

I have never been one of those guys who truly believe that a car says something about themselves. It’s a means of transportation, nothing more. It’ll get me from Point A to Point B. And with any luck, it’ll do that safely and reliably for many years. I don’t much care if it makes me look cool or manly. I just want it to get me safely there and back.

I did my due diligence, learning as much as I could about safety and reliability in new cars. ABS? Check. Stability control? Check. A real spare tire? Check. And so on. Consumer Reports was my main guideline. I used Internet research and discussion lists to learn more. Comfortable to drive? Check. Good sound system? Check. Enough trunk room? Check.

Then I made my choice. I negotiated well, and I met my price point. I am satisfied that I got the best car I could at a price that was good.

The whole process, from starting my research to writing a check at the dealership, took about five weeks -- research occupying the vast majority of that time.

What surprised me most was the first question -- without fail -- when I told friends I had bought a new car. “What color?” each one asked.

Color wasn’t even on my radar.

It could have been plaid for all I care.

But silver is nice.

And the interior smells really good, too.


  1. I'm SO glad it's not plaid. Once was enough. My mother had a plaid car. Well, the roof was plaid. I loved my mother. I HATED that car.

  2. Congrats on buying a brand new car after the 16 years of waiting! Despite the fact that you don't consider the color too much; still, you ended up owning one with a fantastic color. Well, I know how happy you are, so thank you for sharing about your own car! All the best!

    Arlen Greenfield @ Clean Get Away
